
For the purposes of this experiment we will assume this

In this simulation we are going to explore the design of a recursive digital filter which might be used in a digital radio station. The  sampling frequency used in digital radio (DAB) is either 48 kHz or 24 kHz and for the purposes of this simulation, we assume 24kHz. However, the sampling rate of the audio coming from a CD is 44.1 kHz so the radio station would need to numerically re-sample CD  audio data at the DAB rate. Before this can be done, all frequencies above half the new sampling frequency would first have to be filtered out to prevent aliasing when the change in sampling frequency is subsequently carried out. For the purposes of this experiment, we will assume this anti-alias filtering is to be done using a recursive low pass filter derived from the Butterworth analogue prototype (using the bilinear transformation).

We wish the digital filter to have a gain of -96dB at 12 kHz (i.e. half the sampling frequency we will be changing to after the filter has done its work) so that any residual components will be below the quantisation noise of the 16-bit representation used by CD. However, this one point of reference, as it stands, is not enough to design the filter because there are two parameters to be determined: thefilter's order and its -3 dB "corner" frequency. We therefore need another point on its amplitude response curve. For the purposes of this simulation we choose that the gain of the digital filter at 7.5 kHz will be -1 dB.

Because we are using the bilinear transformation to design the digital filter, we first need to design the frequency-warped analogue prototype. As preparation for the simulation(s), the student is required to carry out the following:

1. Use the standard frequency-warping formula to determine the frequencies at which the analogue prototype must have the gains of -1 dB and -96 dB (remember, at this point the sampling frequency is still 44.1kHz).

2. Using these results and the formula for the amplitude response of a Butterworth filter (see below), determine the order and -3 dB frequency of the warped analogue prototype.

3. Use the frequency warping formula to calculate the -3 dB frequency of the resulting digital filter.

4. Prepare a Microsoft-Word document which shows and explains the mathematical logic of stages 1-3 above and gives the numerical results obtained.

Note The amplitude response of a Butterworth filter can be written as:

1070_Amplitude response of a Butterworth filter.jpg

where N is the filter order and f3 is the -3 dB frequency. You can confirm the latter by calculating GdB(f3).

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Other Engineering: For the purposes of this experiment we will assume this
Reference No:- TGS01149259

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5/25/2016 1:20:24 AM

In regards of the case situation regarding exploring the design of a recursive digital filter, read and comprehend the problems illustrated below and provide solutions correctly. 1) Make use of the standard frequency-warping formula to find out the frequencies at which the analogue prototype should encompass the gains of -1 dB and -96 dB (keep in mind, at this point the sampling frequency is still 44.1 kHz). 2) Employing such results and the formula for the amplitude response of a Butterworth filter (illustrated in assignment), find out the order and -3 dB frequency of the warped analogue prototype. 3) Make use of the frequency warping formula to compute the -3 dB frequency of the resultant digital filter. 4) Make a Microsoft-word document that exhibits and describes the mathematical logic of phases 1 to 3 above and provides the numerical outcomes obtained.