For the game of billiards of Prob. 14.55, it is now assumed that v0 =5 m/s,vC = 3.2 m/s, and c = 1.22 m. Determine
(a) the velocities vA and vB of balls A and B,
(b) the point A' where ball A hits the side of the table. Problem 14.55: In a game of billiards, ball A is given an initial velocity v0 along the longitudinal axis of the table. It hits ball B and then ball C, which are both at rest. Balls A and C are observed to hit the sides of the table squarely at A and C, respectively, and ball B is observed to hit the side obliquely at B. Knowing that v0 = 4 m/s, VA 1.92 m/s, v = and a = 1.65 m, determine (a) the velocities vB and vC of balls B and C, (b) the point C' where ball C hits the side of the table. Assume frictionless surfaces and perfectly elastic impacts (that is, conservation of energy).