Someone who is good at C language coding to help me do the following programming Practice before tomorrow.
Programming Practice #4
For the fourth programming practice, you will need to write a program to do a task of your choice. You can write any program you like as long as it does at least the following five things. You can make the program harder than this if you wish. This is your own individual work. This means you do not write the code with your lab partner. Each of you need to submit your own distinct program.
If you cut and paste code from the labs and submit it as the programming practice, we will refuse to grade the programming practice and you will receive 0 points. When we say "You can write any program you like" we mean, "you can write any program you like that you haven't written for lab."
Your code must include the following:
It must use at least two functions with prototypes. At least one function needs to correctly and appropriately use pointers. (10 point bonus if both functions correctly and appropriately use pointers.)
It must use two arrays.
One of the arrays must be filled using a loop.
The other can be filled using any method. (10 points bonus: Make one of the arrays multidimensional.)
It must compile and run.
Additional points not listed in this rubric may be deducted if we have reasonable justification. Remember, this assignment is meant to help improve your understanding of programming principles and C semantics.
Rubric for grading (100 total points, 20 bonus points possible)
50 points for answering the reflection questions (10 points per question)
20 points for functions (5 points each function, 10 points for pointers)
10 points for arrays (5 points each array)
10 points for filling arrays (5 points for loop, 5 points for any method)
10 points compile and run (5 points compile, 5 points run correctly)
10 points bonus if both functions correctly and appropriately use pointers
10 points bonus if one of the arrays is multidimensional
10 points for not formatting correctly (use indentations, correct bracketing, etc.)
10 points for not saving the file as your name as specified in the formatting document.