1. For the following environments, indicate whether the preferred production system is more likely to be a job-shop, production line, batch process (group technology), or hybrid. Provide support for your answer.
a. Producer of medical equipment; makes approximately 20-25 devices; sells to health care providers nationwide.
b. Automobile service and body shop; general service, engine repair, paint; serving many makes of automobiles.
c. Manufacturer of dials for watches; makes styles for 4-5 watch designs; sells to two major brands.
d. Automated car wash; provides three different services; serving many makes of automobiles.
e. Tin can producer; produces unlabeled 12 oz. cans for packaging food; sells to many canned food producers.
2. identify the following for a company name helloo winter which sells gloves. this is a marketing question
a. identify the target audience
b. specify the promotions objectives
c. set the promotion budget
d. select the right promotion tools
e. design the promotion
f. schedule promotion