
For the first time in several decades russias great

Questions -

1. Compare and contrast the competitiveness of any two of Germany, France, the Nordic Countries (as a group), Russia and/or the United Kingdom.

2. The European Union has a goal of making itself "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better social cohesion." Discuss what you feel the EU must keep on doing and build on, and/or what the EU must change, to become so.

3. What makes the so-called "social/coordinated market economies" of many Europe countries such as Germany and Sweden different from the so-called "free/liberal market economy" of the United Kingdom? Critically explain. Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of both systems.

4. What are the differences between "shareholder" capitalism and "stakeholder" capitalism? Which countries in Europe practice which systems, and why? Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of both systems.

5. "The remarkable success of rebuilding Europe since the Second World War has been the product of institutions and polices that favoured competitiveness and growth while guaranteeing equity and social cohesion." Critically discuss.

6. "In the last 30 years or so there has been a massive shift of thinking regarding the role of the state versus the role of the market in fostering economic growth, competitiveness and development." Critically discuss the nature of this shift and give your overall views on it. Does it require, in your view, a declining role of the public sector in national competitiveness? Explain.

7. "For the first time in several decades, Russia's great resource abundance, scientific and technological capabilities, and educated, skilled and enterprising population are now linked to the global economy." What are some of the problems Russia currently faces in managing this transition, and what must it do, in your view, to solve them?

8. Discuss, in your view, what the most critical factors are in determining the competiveness of your choice of any two European countries, and point out areas where the countries, in your view, need to improve.

9. Former UK Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair said in the 1990s that "freedom of enterprise under the law is better than government control over industry and people", that "the presumption should be that economic activity is best left to the private sector" and that "you have to create wealth before you can redistribute it." Discuss in the context of the competitive performance of the UK economy since 1945.

10. What have been the keys to the economic success of the Nordic countries since 1945? Is it long, dark and cold winters and lots of wilderness? Why, in your view, has Russia not been so successful? Discuss.

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Microeconomics: For the first time in several decades russias great
Reference No:- TGS02174583

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