
For the first part of this paper try to explain the basics

This paper should be 600 to 800 words, 12 point Times New Roman font, and double spaced.

All papers in this course will be comprised of two main sections. First, a summary of part of the reading, then your own opinion.

Please make sure to turn in your paper as a Microsoft word document and not as a .pages document. I cannot open .pages.

Note: Make sure to cite all sources you use if you use any other sources than the book (using only the book is preferred). If you use any direct quotes from the book, you also need to cite those.

This includes both in-text citations and a Works Cited Page.

In this paper, students are to answer:

For the first part of this paper, try to explain the basics of kantian ethics. Describe and explain the two versions of the Categorical Imperative.

How does kantian ethics differ from utilitarianism?

For the second part of your paper, write an argument in either support of or objecting to kantian ethics.

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Dissertation: For the first part of this paper try to explain the basics
Reference No:- TGS02806951

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