
For the final project you are required to make a timeline

Assignment: Interactive Timeline

For the Final Project, you are required to make a timeline of the events in the history of American education that made a significant impact, and include a summary of each event.

Guidelines for the Timeline

To create the timeline, use the information from each week's Timeline Discussion Forum response. (You may use the events you listed or the events your peers have listed. You will upload your text, event by event, to a timeline you create using Tiki-Toki. You must include historical events, with each significant time period being represented with at least two different events/individuals. You must include an introduction timeline slide (as prompted by tiki-toki) that will include your name, the name of the course, and a brief description of what your timeline entails. You must include a minimum of 20 historical events; feel free to include more events in the area(s) that you feel were most significant. You are encouraged to use scholarly sources where appropriate. After selecting the historical events, compose a brief summary (25 to 50 words) for each, and select and include a historical image or video that highlights the event. Include a minimum of three sources in addition to your textbook and reference them in APA 6th-edition style. Once the timeline is complete, please include the final tiki-toki link in your written document.

Additional notes regarding the timeline:

- Review the following example of the Final Timeline Assignment for EDU 324.

- The events/figures that have been chosen for the example are not significant to the history of American Education and may not be used in your final timeline.

- When creating your own timeline, please be sure to adjust the date as needed; either the actual date; February 5, 2014 or 2014, whichever is appropriate.

- Please be sure that all images have captions.


Written document must include:

• Cover page
• Reflection of the timeline
• Tiki-toki link
• A reference page

Reflection Items:

• Determine which event listed in your timeline you feel is the most significant and explain why.
• State which event you found the most interesting and explain why.
• If you had access to a time travel machine, explain which event you would like to have been a part of and why.
• Predict an event that you think will be listed on future timelines and provide a rationale.

Please note you will be graded on the clarity of your narrative and the appropriateness of design (e.g., the quality of the images, how well the images relate to the given event) and the quality of your response to the reflection items.

The summaries and the written portion of the Final Project will be submitted to Turnitin, so be sure to cite your sources appropriately. Note that you must also cite in APA format the source of each of the selected historical images and/or videos. Music clips are also welcome if you can legitimately connect the song to the historical event (and properly cite the source).

The Week Five, Final Project: Interactive Timeline, asks you to use a free web program, Tiki-Toki. Please note that this is optional. You may use Tiki-Toki, PowerPoint, Word, or Prezi. The requirements remain exactly the same:

• One Introduction slide/page - including your name, name of the course and a brief description of your time line

• 20 (minimum) Historical Events slides/pages, each time period being represented by at least two different events. Each event will include a brief summary (25-50 words), a historical image or video, the date the event occurred and a title to name this event.

• A reference slide/page to include at least three sources in addition to your text book. (A total of four.)

The accompanied written document also remains exactly the same as stated within the assignment directions.

Please use word document as Tiki-Toki is optional. Please try to fit 3 events per page in word document as the images DO NOT have to be large. 7 pages for events and the rest for the information being asked. Select 2 events per Chapter as I have included all the events you can choose from. Thanks A Lot!


Chapter 1

1. John Cabot

2. Christopher Columbus

3. John Calvin

Chater 2

1. Martin Luther (https://www.pbs.org/empires/martinluther/cheats.html

2. Philipp Melanchthon

3. John Campbel

Chapter 3

1. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

2. Plan for a State Education System

3. Founding the University of Virginia

4. Benjamin Rush (1746-1813)

5. Free Schools

6. Education for Women and African Americans

7. A National University

8. Noah Webster (1758-1843)

9. Spelling Books

10. Schoolmaster of the Republic

11. Joseph Lancaster

12. Monitorial schools

13. Robert Raikes

14. Sunday school

15. Robert Owen

16. infant school

Chapter 4

1. Horace Mann (1796-1859)

2. teacher institute

3. James G. Carter (1795-1845)

4. Henry Barnard (1811-1900)

5. Catharine Beecher (1800-1878

Chapter 5

1. The secondary school movement that emerged after the Civil War

2. The Kalamazoo Case and Increased Tax Support

3. Compulsory Attendance and Increased Literacy

4. The Standardization of the Curriculum

5. The Committee of Ten

6. Seven Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education

7. The Manual Training Movement

8. Vocational Education

9. The Comprehensive High School

10. Emergence of the Junior High School

11. The Morrill Acts and the Land Grant College Movement

12. Higher Education for Women

13. Emergence of the Modern University

14. Founding of Junior Colleges

15. Strengthening of the Normal School Curriculum and Standards

16. Herbartianism

17. Teacher Certification

Chapter 6

1. National Growth and Reform

2. Immigration and Population

3. Politics and Economic Growth: The Bright and Dark Sides

4. Changes in Education

5. Progressive Reformers

6. Progressivism in Education

7. Administrative Progressivism: The Efficiency Movement

8. Social Efficiency

9. Pedagogical Progressivism

10. Francis W. Parker

11. John Dewey

12. Ella Flagg Young

13. William H. Kilpatrick

14. The Kindergarten Movement

15. The Measurement Movement

16. Progressive Education After World War I

17. Influence of the Progressive Education Movement on Higher Education

Chapter 7

1. The Great Depression

2. Impact of the Depression on Education 1929-1931

3. Financial Impact 1932

4. Retrenchment Strategies of the great depression 1933

5. Impact on Teachers from the great depression 1930

6. New Deal Education Programs 1935

7. Civilian Conservation Corps 1930's

8. National Youth Administration 1930's

9. Public Works Administration 1933\

10. Works Projects Administration 1935

11. General Federal Aid Debate 1930's

12. The Indian New Deal 1930's

13. Efforts to Refocus the Schools and the Curriculum 1930's

14. Social Reconstructionism 1932

15. Impact of the Second World War on the Schools 1939

Chapter 8

1. The Civil Rights Movement 1950

2. School Desegregation 1954

3. Responses to the Brown Decision 1957

4. The Carrot and the Stick: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

5. The Coleman Report 20th Century

6. Increasing the Pace of Integration 1964

7. Setbacks to Integration 1969

8. Education and the War on Poverty early 1960's

9. The Economic Opportunity Act (EOA) of 1964

10. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act and Other Important Legislation 1966

11. Pioneers in Education: Lyndon B. Johnson

12. Expanding the Rights of Language Minority Youth 1960's

13. Native American Education and the Drive for Self-Determination 1960's

14. Expanding Educational Opportunities for Mexican Americans 1960's

15. The Chicano Movement 1960

16. The Education of Asian Americans 1960

Chapter 9

1. Education Consolidation and Improvement Act (ECIA) of 1981

2. The School Reform Movement 1980s

3. Reform: The First Wave 1982 to 1985

4. Reform: The Second Wave 1986 to 1989

5. A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century (1986)

6. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) 1987

7. Reform: The Third Wave 1988

8. back-to-basics movement 1970

9. The Paideia Proposal: An Educational Manifesto (1982)

10. A Nation at Risk, Sizer's Horace's Compromise: The Dilemma of the American High School (1984)

11. Coalition of Essential Schools 1984

12. Opening the Door to Goals and Standards: The Bush Administration 1989

13. America 2000: An Education Strategy 1991

14. "The Education President": The Clinton Administration 1992

15. Proposition 227 1998

Chapter 10

1. No Child Left Behind Act 2001

2. Improving America's Schools Act (IASA)

3. The Obama Administration: Race to the Top and Evolving Educational Federalism

4. National Assessment of Educational Progress in 2009 (and 2011)

5. Race to the Top (RTT) Program

6. Common Core State Standards

7. Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)

Book: Webb. L. D. (2014). History of American education: Voices and perspectives. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Attachment:- American History of Education.pdf

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Dissertation: For the final project you are required to make a timeline
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