For the final post of the course respond to the following

For the final post of the course, respond to the following questions using evidence from Bunton's The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Very Short Introduction.

1. What have been the primary obstacles to peace since 1967 from the Israeli perspective? Consider that these obstacles may have changed in priority over time. Ground them in their historical context.

2. What have been the primary obstacles to peace since 1967 from the Palestinian perspective? Consider that these obstacles also may have changed in priority over time. Ground them in their historical context.

3. At the end of Martin Bunton's book, he suggests two possibilities for a lasting peace between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews. Describe these possibilities and state which one you think is more likely to occur given the situation as it exists today (especially the West Bank settlements). Why do you take this position (offer supporting evidence from your reading of Bunton)?

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Basic Statistics: For the final post of the course respond to the following
Reference No:- TGS02272722

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