
For the final assessment you are to choose your own case

Final Assessment for Marketing Management

For the final assessment you are to choose your own case study, i.e. pick a company, or even a non-for-profit organisation, and describe and critique its marketing. It may be the same organisation that you chose for the interim, or it neeed not be. The organisation you choose to analyse may be large or small, private or publically-quotes -- we put no bounds other than it must have a marketing activity. Apply as many of the concepts covered in this module as you can. You may recall in summary the concepts you use, but do not spend long describing the concept - we need you to apply it.

We are not going to list out the key concepts here, but we shall have a list of them against which we shall be grading you paper. Nevertheless, three key words will be "marketing", "management" and "sustainability". Be not specifying here a long list of concepts, we hope to ensure that you have indeed absorbed them!

You may, indeed you should, put citations for any outside sources you call upon. Be sure to use the Harvard convention on citations and bibliography.

You would be well advised to watch the video on academic writing and to apply it. Grade input will include structure of you essay and quality of writing.

Remember, we are looking neither for a monograph on marketing management, nor for a series of definitions, nor for a summary of the material covered in the module. Instead we are looking for application to a particular case of your choosing.

Overall we shall be marking as a function:

• Application of the concepts covered in the module (this will be subdivided into concepts covered)
• Citations and bibliography
• Quality as an essay

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Marketing Management: For the final assessment you are to choose your own case
Reference No:- TGS01541973

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