σFor the following cases, sketch the element for the stress state indicated and then draw the Mohr's circle for each case:
a) Uniaxial compression, i.e. σx = -p Mpa
b) Uniaxial tension, i.e. σx = +p Mpa
c) Biaxial compressive stress, i.e. σx = σy = -p Mpa
d) Pure shear, i.e. τxy = +τ Mpa
For the case of the uniaxial compression, determine the maximum shear stresses that exist at that piont. Identify the planes on which they act by drawing the orientation of the element for these shear stresses. Show all stresses that act on the element in this orientation.
For the state of pure shear, determine the values of the maximum and minimum normal stresses that exist at that point. Identify the planes on which they act by drawing the orientation of the element for these normal stresses. Show all stresses that act on the element in this orientation.