
For some minerals color is a diagnostic property making

The Copper Country Minerals Gallery:
1. Why do native copper specimens in the museum have surface colors other than shiny copper color?
2. What minerals cause the varied surface colors of native copper specimens? (Hint: study copper oxide zone cases O2-O4 besides the specimens in Copper Country Gallery).
3. What is the most common crystal form of native copper from the Keweenaw Peninsula? (Hint: Go to case C24)
The Michigan Basin Minerals Gallery.
4. What are the common museum displayable minerals found in quarries of Lower Michigan?
5. What mineral is mined from under the City of Detroit? What is this mineral used for?
The Systematic Mineral Collection Gallery.
6. Describe the criteria used to organize the systematic mineral collection.
7. For some minerals color is a diagnostic property making identification rather easy. However, certain minerals can also occur in a wide variety of colors making color a poor tool for identification. List different colors for the mineral quartz located throughout the museum.(Hint: go to case M16)
The Fluorescent Mineral Gallery.
8. Watch the video about the property of fluorescence. What are the prominent colors of the minerals from New Jersey?
9. Why do some minerals fluorescence and not others?

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Civil Engineering: For some minerals color is a diagnostic property making
Reference No:- TGS0635204

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