For runtime binding of functions to execute see the oc

The objective in this problem is to design a modular and flexible software implementation of a high-Q digital notch IIR filter (Program 15.9). The sampling frequency and notch frequency will be set dynamically (at run time). These parameters will be established when the user calls your Filter_Init() function. You may implement any Q you wish, but it should be similar to the highQ 60 Hz notch IIR filter developed in Section 15.4. Adjust the filter gain so that the gain at DC is 1.0. The data will be passed through the notch filter by calls to your Filter() function. You may assume without checking that the cutoff frequency, fc, is strictly greater than 0 and strictly less than one-half the sampling rate, 0 c s. Your software handles the establishment of the actual sampling rate. You should use only fixed-point integer calculations. For an example software system that allows
Program 15.9


For runtime binding of functions to execute, see the OC example on the CD. Use an external sinusoidal source to experimentally measure the gain-versus-frequency response of the digital filter. The following main program illustrates how a user might apply your filter software.

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Mechanical Engineering: For runtime binding of functions to execute see the oc
Reference No:- TGS01467969

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