For random variable W of Example 4.10, we can generate random samples in two different ways:
1. Generate samples of X and Y and calculate W = Y/X.
2. Find the CDF FW (w) and generate samples using Theorem 3.22.
Write Matlab functions w=wrv1(m) and w=wrv2(m) to implement these methods. Does one method run much faster? If so, why? (Use cputime to make run-time comparisons.)
Example 4.10
X and Y have the joint PDF
Find the PDF of W = Y/X
Theorem 3.22
Let U be a uniform (0, 1) random variable and let F(x) denote a cumulative distribution function with an inverse F -1(u) defined for 0 -1(U) has CDF FX (x) = F(x).