
For questions 3 to 5 remember that a turing machine starts

For questions 3 to 5, remember that a Turing machine starts in state 1, reading the leftmost nonblank cell.

1. Given the Turing machine instruction


and the configuration

... b 1 0 b ... (Tape read head is in state 1, and is over symbol 1 on the left)

Draw the next configuration.

2. A Turing machine contains only the following instructions:


Can this machine ever reach the following configuration? Explain your answer.

... b 0 1 b ... (Tape read head is in state 1, and is over symbol 1 on the left)

3. Find the output for the Turing machine


when run on the tape

... b 1 0 0 1 b ...

4. Find the output for the Turing machine


when run on the tape

... b 1 b ...

5. Describe the behavior of the Turing machine


when run on the tape

... b 1 0 1 b ...

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Theory of Computation: For questions 3 to 5 remember that a turing machine starts
Reference No:- TGS01260319

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