
For our final essay you will be discussing this problem and

Essay - Homelessness

Independent Research

Homelessness is one of the top issues in Seattle. It is a growing crisis that the city is trying to address. However, Seattle is not the only place that struggles with homelessness; it is a widespread issue across the world that societies are trying to solve. For our final essay, you will be discussing this problem and will propose some solutions that you believe would help alleviate this problem.

Your Argument -

A problem-solution essay identifies the causes of a problem and then argues in favor of specific solutions. For this essay, you will need to choose a specific aspect of homelessness, discuss what has led to that problem, and offer realistic, helpful solutions.

You will want to narrow your topic. There are many contexts where homelessness occurs, but I would like you to just pick one. For example, you should not discuss homelessness in general, but should focus on a specific place or group of people (i.e. homelessness in Seattle or youth homelessness.)

You should NOT write an overly simplistic thesis. For example, "homelessness is a problem which has many solution" would not be an appropriate thesis for level 6. I want you to narrow your scope and make your thesis more focused. Remember that your thesis should present the specific problem and introduce the idea that you will propose a solution(s). You do not have to state which specific solutions you will discuss.

Your Sources & Citations -

For this final essay, you will be finding your own sources to support and strengthen your argument. Be sure to only use sources appropriate for an academic paper. You will be expected to incorporate at least two paraphrases, two quotes, and should use at least two different sources.

Secondary sources are useful too - Documentary video (we watched in Mobius), TED Talks, and Interviews.

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Dissertation: For our final essay you will be discussing this problem and
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