
For most of the last 500 years imitation was the sincerest

Step 1: Paraphrase each of the following passages. Rewrite each of the following passages. Your paraphrased content should be about the same length as the original passage. All of your re-writes must be written in your own words. If you have to borrow any words or phrases, make sure you have used quotation marks to indicate what content you borrowed.

- Through talk, we create and shape our relationships. Through talk, we are comforted; through talk we are hurt. We look to family members for come-as-you-are acceptance, but instead of an intimate ally, we sometimes find an intimate critic. A small remark can spark a big conflict because with the family, no utterance stands alone. Every remark draws meaning from innumerable conversations that came before.

-For most of the last 500 years, imitation was the sincerest form of architectural flattery.

-According to the National Institutes of Health,

1. Percentage of U.S.-born Mexican Americans who have suffered from some psychological disorder: 48

2. Percentage of Mexican immigrants who have: 29

3. Percentage of Mexico City residents who have: 23

-Houseflies not only defecate constantly but also do so in liquid form, which means they are in constant danger of dehydration.

-It should also be understood that the thought content of student recitation or writing need not be original or creative. It’s highly unlikely that a freshman will come up with a truly original idea about psychology, economics, or chemistry. But an absolutely original sentence that relates a known fact or logical argument is about the best proof we have of understanding.

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Operation Management: For most of the last 500 years imitation was the sincerest
Reference No:- TGS02877246

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