You may select a topic dealing with any aspect of the relationship between religion and science. You may also do a paper on any particular aspect of the course.
For instance, papers can deal with the history of the relationship of religion and science ("The Galileo Trial," for instance, or "Darwin and His Critics"). You might also choose to write on a specific religious or scientific figure and that person's opinions on religion and science (for instance, Einstein, Teilhard de Chardin, Jung, Darwin, Freud, Pope John Paul II or Pope Benedict, the Dalai Lama, etc.). You could choose topics in the area of science, technology and ethics/religion ("New Birth Technologies," "Weapons of Mass Destruction" ). Or you could choose any aspect of the course and do a paper ("Parapsychology: Science, Pseudoscience, Religion?," "Near Death Experience: Intimations of Immortality?," "The Big Bang and Creation Ex Nihilo: Scientific and Religious Cosmologies") Feel free to follow your own interests.