
For example you could explore topics such as strategic

Captstone Strategic Business Mgmt-

Discussion: Research Weekly Concepts for the Strategic Management Process

For Discussion, please visit the Walden Library databases or select a recognized business publication such as Forbes, Business, Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, etc. Select an article addressing strategy, mission statements, vision statements, or another topic that relates to these ideas and this week's Learning Objectives. For example, you could explore topics such as strategic approaches to growth; multicultural strategy; entrepreneurship; change management, leadership, technology, or innovation.

Think outside the normal paradigm. You live in a global economy, so the world is open to you. Do not limit your choices to these areas. There are many topics in the first two chapters of the text.

Following APA style and formatting guidelines, summarize the article into approximately 300 words (do NOT copy the article), and explain the knowledge you gained from it. Include a link to the original article so your colleagues can read it.

Engage in class discussions of the article. In addition to your initial post, respond a minimum of three times (100-125 words).

To earn full points, full engagement in this discussion requires an initial post and active substantive responses with colleagues.

Business Strategy Game (BSG) Simulation website:

Thompson, A. A., Jr., Reidenback, M. A., Stappenbeck, G. J., Harms, C. C., & Thrasher, I. F. (2014). The Business Strategy Game: Competing in a global marketplace. Retrieved from https://www.bsg-online.com/

Visit this website to read Chapters 1 and 2 of the course e-book course. **I will provide login info**

Required Resources


Thompson, A. A. (2014-2015). Strategy: Core concepts and analytical approaches(3rd ed.) [BSG electronic edition]. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Education.

• Chapter 1, "What Is Strategy and Why Is It Important?" (pp. 1-11)
• Chapter 2, " Charting a Company's Long-Term Direction: Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Strategy" (pp. 12-31)

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Strategic Management: For example you could explore topics such as strategic
Reference No:- TGS01699830

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