
For each question write a response according to the

Writing Assignments

For each question. write a response according to the directions given by your instructor. Each response should contain correct grammar. spelling, and punctuation. Be sure to answer the question completely, but choose your words carefully so as to not exceed the word limit if one is given. There is no right or wrong answer: your score will be based upon the strength of the argu-ment you make to defend your position.

1. On a separate sheet, write a one-page resume for one person from the following list. Include information such as education, job experience, primary accomplishments (inventions, pub¬lications. etc.). and references. If you want, you can include a photo or likeness no larger than 2 inches by 3 inches. You can add some "made up" material such as current address and references, but do not overdo this.

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Other Subject: For each question write a response according to the
Reference No:- TGS01400106

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