Question 1- Suppose that the following instructions are executed:
lea esi, source
lea edi, dest
mov ecx, 5
for6: lodsb
inc al
loop for6
Assuming that 00417000 is the address loaded in ESI and 00417005 is loaded in EDI, what will be the values stored in ESI and EDI following the for loop?
What will be stored in ECX?
What will be stored in the destination string?
Question 2- For each part of this problem, assume the Before values when the given Instruction is executed. Give the requested After values:
Question 3- Find the single precision floating point representation of the following numbers:
a. 45.5
b. -31.0
Question 4- Find the double precision floating point representation of the following numbers:
a. 45.5
b. -31.0