For each of the given blood types, give the expected agglutination (clumping) results when the blood is mixed with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh antibodies. Enter 'Yes' for presence of agglutination, 'No' for absence of agglutination
Blood Type
Anti-A antibody
Anti-B antibody
Anti-Rh antibody
1. At 1.00am, someone breaks a window in the back of a store and robs the safe. On the way out, the thief cuts himself (or herself) on a piece of broken glass. You are a forensic detective called to the scene. You test a sample of blood left behind by the thief. It is O-. While you are there, police bring in a suspect with a cut forearm who was arrested just three blocks from the store. You take a sample of the suspect's blood and mix it with anti-A. You immediately know that the suspect is not the person who cut himself on broken glass in the store. How do you know this?