
For each of the following quotes explain what you think

Question: For each of the following quotes, explain what you think they mean and the implications for understanding the context of managing strategically.

• "To stay ahead, you must have your next idea waiting in the wings." (Rosabeth Moss Kanter, management professor/consultant/author)

• "Time is a river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away." (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus) 5. Every year. Fortune publishes lists of America's most admired companies and the global most admired companies. Choose one list. Get the most recent one, and answer the following questions.

• Define the key attributes used to evaluate companies.

• What 10 companies are at the top of the list of most admired?

• Why do you think these companies are at the top of the list? What are they doing differently-that is, how are they managing strategically?

• What 10 companies are at the bottom of the list? How are they managing strategically?

• What could strategic decision makers leam from both groups? 6. The total quality management (TQM) movement encouraged organizational managers to Do it right the first time. Make it right the first time, and you eliminate waste. Finish it right the first time, and you save money, time, and customer relationships. Makes sense, doesn't it? However, what if doing it right the first time stifles creativity and risk taking? Because breakthrough innovations are rarely well-planned, mistake-free processes, wouldn't an emphasis on doing it right suppress going out on a limb to try something different? Maybe doing it right isn't as important as doing it best. What do you think? Write a paper exploring these concepts.

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Management Theories: For each of the following quotes explain what you think
Reference No:- TGS02294439

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