
For each method listed, indicate the mode of action

For each method listed, indicate the mode of action, whether it is sporocidal, common uses, when it should not be used and any special advantages or disadvantages.

a. Phenol and penolics: bisphenolics and triclosan
b. Alcohols: isoopropanol and ethanol
c. Gaseous agents: ethylene oxide gas, chlorine dioxide gas
d. Halogens: chlorine, iodine, bromine, and flourine
e. Heavy Metals: arsenic, zinc, mercury, and silver
f. Surfactants: quaternary ammonium detergents, soaps
g. Oxidizing agents: hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and peracetic acid
h. Aldehydes: Glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde

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Biology: For each method listed, indicate the mode of action
Reference No:- TGS025826

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