
For each linear model discuss the meaning of the slope and

This is the entire question. I need have this done by this evenning. Please and Thank you. The link below provides the data on two different spread sheets. It has to be done on excel. https://faculty.uml.edu/mstick/92.122/material/Walmart dry goods weekly sales.htm

Project 1: The data used is from the Methuen Walmart store infiscal 2002 - 2003 and fiscal 2003 - 2004. Walmart's fiscal year starts with the first week of February, so week 1 in 2002 is the first week in February and week 52 (or week 53 based on roundoff) occurs during the last week of January in 2003.

Questions: 1. Can you identify holiday periods or special events that cause the spikes in the data?

2. What holiday results in the maximum sales for this department?

3. Generate several linear models for this data and discuss the rational behind the model that you believe best predicts future results.

a. For each linear model, discuss the meaning of the slope and y intercept.

b. Using your most preferred linear model, predict sales for the next four weeks. Provide backup computation.

4. Based on your favorite linear model selected, compute the percent rate of increase (y2 - y1)/ y1 for the next four weeks.

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Mathematics: For each linear model discuss the meaning of the slope and
Reference No:- TGS01358685

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