For contribution find an article book video or website that

For contribution, find an article, book, video, or website that relates to a topic in the relevant part of the course (i.e., Contribution 2 should relate to a topic in Modules 8-12, which is Wireless II, Games, Web 2.0, Social Media). Think "tech in the news" or a pertinent TED talk.

After reviewing the article, book, video, or website, write a paragraph or so describing the item and another 2-3 paragraphs explaining how it relates to the course (be sure to indicate which module it relates to) and why you think it is interesting or significant. Then post your paragraphs-with an embedded, active link to the source material-to the appropriate

"Contribution" discussion forum.

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Business Economics: For contribution find an article book video or website that
Reference No:- TGS02253063

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