
For any precipitation-hardened alloy like an al-cu alloy

For any precipitation-hardened alloy, like an al-cu alloy, the strengthening of the alloy depends on the size and number of the precipitates.

a) Calculate the cross-sectional area of a single 10-micron (10-5 m) diameter spherical precipitate.

b) Determine how many 1-micron spherical precipitates would be needed to have the same volume as the 10-micron precipitate.

c) Calculate the cross-sectional area of the single 10 micron precipitate and the many 1-micron precipitates.

d) Based on your calculations of cross-sectional area, which alloy would be more effective at stopping dislocations, those with a few 10-micron precipitates or those with many 1-micron precipitates? Which would have the higher strength? Which would have the higher ductility?

e) For an al-cu alloy of 4 atomic percent copper, 96 atomic % aluminium, estimate the density of the al-cu alloy compared to pure aluminium. is this a significant change that an airline company would care about?

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Mechanical Engineering: For any precipitation-hardened alloy like an al-cu alloy
Reference No:- TGS0965455

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