Plan for delivery schedule & cost of a Project:
For a company engaged in design and delivery of a Audio Visual installation system at University of Maryland, the following tasks (that are Not in a proper order), with corresponding duration and cost for each task are envisaged for the plan.
Please fill the attached table by listing all the necessary tasks involved in proper sequence, showing start & finish of each task and associated costs, then find the total project proposed cost/value/price to client by including 12% for overhead, and 15% for profits:
Locate and survey the location 1 weeks $3,000
Approvals 1 week ------
Select Your Sub-contractors 1 week $3000
System Design details and develop plan 16 weeks $48,000
Install all necessary wiring lines 4 weeks $25,000
Install Security System 1 week scattered $18,000
Build Control/head Room 4 weeks $60,000
Install Furniture & Mics 2 weeks $10,000
Install Airconditiong System 3 weeks $35,000
Order all necessary equipment & Furniture 1 weeks $45,000
Install All Equipment in Control Room 2 weeks $12,000
Flooring 1 week $15,000
Carpeting & Clean up 1 week $14,000
Painting 1 week $15,000
Attachment:- Cost of a Project.rar