It’s not true that regulations are not always closely followed because of (“due to”) food poisoning, but that food contamination still happens in spite of the existing regulatory processes.
Project description:
For this homework assignment, you are to find two scholarly articles on your topic using a subject-specific database
The database you select should match a discipline you pre-identified with your group’s area of inquiry (science, social sciences, humanities).
The articles should support your thesis statement OR answer your research question.
In this post, you will create a mini-annotated bibliography:
• the citation for your article in APA style (including a link to the full text of the article)
• the database you used to find the article.
• a 2-sentence summary of the article for your group members. What did the scholar(s) study (i.e., what was their research question?) What did the author(s) conclude?
• a quote from the article that shows how it fits your topic and supports your thesis.