
food borne diseasesif the food handler

Food Borne Diseases:

If  the food handler, like the cook, suffers  from some infection and is not careful about washing his hands after defecation,  the germs or eggs of worms will reach the food and people will get infected. Typhoid, bacillary dysentery and other stomach infections are. spread in this way. Flies sitting on food always deposit germs there, which they pick up while sitting on excreta or filth. Vegetables and fruits also get contaminated by night soil which  is used as fertiliser. Food, which is exposed  to flies or even air for long hours is likely to pick up bacteria which easily multiply in it. Such food gets "spoiled and could be a potent source of disease. In its strongest  form it is called food poisoning. The common symptoms  are abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting. and diarrhoea. Generally bacteria are killed in heated food. but  toxins produced by  them are heat resistant.

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Science: food borne diseasesif the food handler
Reference No:- TGS0161928

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