Question: Assignment 1: Following participating in poverty simulation is given in document, write a paper that describes your feelings as you participated in this exercise.
Did you experience feelings of frustration, hopelessness, etc.?
How much money did you end with and what were some of the difficult choices you made?
Did anything about the exercise surprise you?
Was it an exercise you or someone you know could relate?
Specific Requirements: APA-compliant formatting; a minimum of 500 words; text and professional journals may be utilized for sources
Assignment 2: Write a PAPER discussing how the assigned scriptures with biblical commands and advice compare to the information posed by your text on achieving good communication.
Read Chapter 5 - "Communications in Intimate Relationships" (Cox text)
Read Chapter 2 - "The War on Success" (Ramsey text)
Read Scriptures - Ephesians 4:18, 29-32; Colossians 3:12-14; Proverbs 17:27-28; 18:13
Specific Requirements: APA-compliant formatting; a minimum of 500 words; text and professional journals may be utilized for sources.
Information related to above question is enclosed below:
Attachment:- Poverty simulation.rar