
Following are the topics for final project you are supposed

Project Topics

Dear students following are the topics for final project. You are supposed to pick one topic for your project.

1- A study of the practices of two MNCs.

2- A study of World Trade Organization (WTO) and Free Trade Agreements (FTA)

3- A study of the two different regional economic integrations: European Union & GCC.

Project Report Format

The Research project should have three sections: the preliminary pages or the front matter,  the text or the body matter, and the references or back matter.


a. Title page

b. Acknowledgements

c. Abstract

d. Table of Contents

e. List of Tables

f. Preface

The TEXT should normally be divided into sections such as:

a. Introduction

b. Review of Literature

c. Methodology

d. Results and Discussions

e. Conclusions and Recommendations

The REFERENCES consists of:

a. Appendices

b. References

c. Blank page

Be sure to cite all sources used in compiling information, whether paraphrasing or directly quoting those sources.  If you are using direct quotes, include page numbers in the citation.  Examples of bibliographic references:

For Journal Papers:

Sitkin, S. B., & Weingart, L. R. (1995). Determinants of risky decision-making behavior: A test of the mediating role of risk perceptions and propensity. Academy of Management Journal, 1573-1592.

For Websites:

World Trade Organization (2012). Statistics database, International Trade and Tariffs Data. Retrieved July 31, 2012, from


For Books:

Carson, D., Gilmore, D., Perry, C., & Gronhaug, K. (2001). Qualitative Marketing Research. Great Britain: Sage

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Management Theories: Following are the topics for final project you are supposed
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