Following are a number of unrelated transactions for the Village of Centerville, some of which affect governmental activities at the government-wide level. None of the transactions has been recorded yet.
Required- Prepare in general journal form the necessary entries in the governmental activities and appropriate fund journals for each transaction. Explanations may be omitted. For each entry you prepare, name the fund in which the entry should be made.
1. Tax-supported serial bonds with a $2,800,000 par value were issued in cash to permit partial refunding of a $3,500,000 par value issue of term bonds. The difference was settled with $700,000 that had been accumulated in prior years in a debt service fund. Assume that the term bonds had been issued several years earlier at par.
2. Four months prior to year-end, 6 percent special assessment bonds totaling $500,000 were issued to fund a streetlight improvement project in a local subdivision. The bonds are secondarily backed by the village. The first $25,000 installment will be due from property owners six months after the initial bond issuance, but no debt payments are due in the first year.
3. Marketplace equity securities held by the debt service fund increased in value by $10,000 during the year.