Focuses on understanding how two types of external influences impact consumer purchasing decisions. A reference group is defined as a group whose presumed perspective or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behavior; the three forms of reference groups are informational, normative, and identification. An opinion leader is a "go-to" person who informally gives product information and advice to others; has greater long-term involvement with a product or brand.
- Using first person perspective ("I," "me") is recommended for this assignment.
- Compose a response of at least four paragraphs (include at least four sentences per paragraph).
- Within your Discussion response, include the following:
- Describe at least one reference group to which you belong.
- Assess how this reference group affects your consumption of products or services.
- Include an example of a purchase you made which was influenced by a reference group.
- Evaluate how marketers might design marketing strategy in order to influence your reference group.
- Describe at least one opinion leader who influences your purchasing decisions.
Assess how this opinion leader affects your consumption of products or services.
- Include an example of a purchase you made which was influenced by an opinion leader.
- Evaluate how marketers might design marketing strategy in order to influence your opinion leader.