
Focus on what is driving the change with the department and

Assignment -

Review the assigned Case Study and using readings and Module, analyze the situation and make recommendations for the future. Focus on what is driving the change with the department, and what it is doing to meet the challenges presented. Do you think that the strategic planning process presented will be successful? Why or why not?

Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition (APA style guide) as your guide for source annotation and for the general style of your paper. List all your sources on a separate References page. As a general guideline, each paragraph should probably contain a source citation.

Your paper should contain the following elements:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Body of paper that is 4-to-6 pages long
  • References Page

Project Management Questions

1. What is the purpose of this project? Why are we implementing it? What do we expect to accomplish?

2. What are the objectives of this project? How will we measure success? What constraints should we consider?

3. How will we meet our objectives? How will we know when we have completed the project? What tasks must we accomplish?

4. What resources do we need? Will we be able to complete the project?

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Dissertation: Focus on what is driving the change with the department and
Reference No:- TGS02655532

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