
Focus on the effectiveness of programs aimed at victims as

Focus on the effectiveness of programs aimed at victims as well as juveniles. Remember, you can incorporate the readings with this material as well. Please use citations.

Consider the following and share your thoughts with your group.

During the last decade a number of programs for offenders have incorporated educational components aimed at enhancing participants' understanding of the experiences of victims of crime. Victim Awareness on Juveniles into the search engine. Look for the articles about the effectiveness of victim awareness on juveniles.

Ask yourself who you believe is most likely to be rehabilitated: a juvenile offender or an adult offender, given they commit the same type of criminal offense? Who is the most to be impacted? Victims of violent crimes committed by someone known to the victim or someone unknown to the victim? What is the impact of violence on witnesses?

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Dissertation: Focus on the effectiveness of programs aimed at victims as
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