
Focus on disasters management in kuwait

1. Why important to focus on Disasters Management in Kuwait?

2. Who is responsible for Managing Disasters in Kuwait?

3. Is Kuwait have a national or International disaster response Plan?

4. What is the Capacity ofthe emergency responders in Kuwait?

5. What is the needs for Establish a Disaster Management in Kuwait?

Aim and Objectives:

1. To illustrates the Objectives of establishing Disasters Management in Kuwait

2. To illustrates who is responsible for establishing Disasters Management in Kuwait

3. To provide an integrated national and international disaster response Plan

4. To illustrates the capacity ofthe Emergency Responders in Kuwait

5. To illustrates the needs of establishing a Disaster Management in Kuwait

5. To illustrates the responsibility ofthe Emergency Services in term of Disaster Management and Response.

7. To provide an integrated Disaster Management Plan in Kuwait.

Key Words:


Management, Vulnerability, Kuwait Fire Service, Civil Defense, Emergency Response Plan, Casualty, Red Crescent, Disaster Risk Reduction, DisasterAwareness.

Study Problem:

The main purpose ofthis research is to determine the major concerns from neglecting the disasters management plan in The State of Kuwait. This research will also examine the needs for establishing an integrated disaster management plan in Kuwait, and will highlight the responsibility and roles ofthe deferent Emergency services such as Kuwait Fire service, Department of Civil Defense and The Emergency Medical service in term of disaster management and response, Due to leak of Planning and preparedness for a disaster management in Kuwait.

To date, there are no research studied the important of establishing a disaster management plan or disaster risk reduction in Kuwait, as well as there are a lack of awareness forthe people living in Kuwait in term of disaster risks and preparedness. ln Kuwait, each Emergency Service has its own disaster management plan, however, these plans are not clearto other Emergency service which will affect the management ofthe disaster response and management, therefor, this research will be the base and data source of the disaster management for all Emergency Service in The State of Kuwait.

lmportant References:

Bou-Rabee, 2004. The Need for Seismic

Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in Kuwait OtherArabian Gulf Countries. Arab GulfJournal of Scientific Research. 22 (3) pp 117- 129

Wisner et al, 2004. At Risk, Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability and Disaster. 2nd Edition. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group
Copyright. London

Principles of Emergency Planning and Management by David E. Alexander (1 Jan 2002).

Tolley’s Handbook of Disaster and Emergency Management: Principles and Practice by Tony Moore and Raj Lakha (12 Oct 2006)

Environment Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster, By Keith Smith. 2013

Introduction to International Disaster Management, By Damon P. Cappola. 2011

Natural Disaster. By David Alexander. 1993

Disaster Management: Local Roles and the Importance oflnterAgency Cooperation by Michael C. Heatherly (23 Oct 2010)

Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis (Disaster Risk Management) by Maxx Dilley, Uwe Deichmann and Robert S. Chen (31 Jan 2005)

Introduction to Emergency Management by George Haddow, Jane A. Bullock and Damon P. Coppola (27 Oct 2010)

National Disaster Recovery

Framework: Strengthening Disaster Recovery forthe Nation by U. S. Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency (27 Feb 2013)

Environmental Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster by Keith Smith (30 Jan 2009)

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