The final assignment in English is the informative research paper; this paper should be at leastsix to eightpages (1,500-2,000 words) in length, not includingtitle and references pages.This essay will be an informational synthesis of the issue you've worked with in Essay 1 and Essay 2. In essence, your goal in this final paper is to teach us about the controversy.To successfully complete this assignment, you will:
1. Focus on a clear issue that is controversial and under debate at the current time;
2. Summarize the background of the issue and the current context;
3. Identify the main positions in the current debate;
4. Summarize and discuss those positions, identifying the main claims;
5. Analyze the larger assumptions in those arguments and teach your readers about the current status of the debate and possible outcomes/next stages of the larger conversation on the issue.