Essay Questions For Short Essay-
1. Survey data tells us that most Australians (around 75%) are satisfied with Australian democracy. Are they right, or is this misplaced confidence?
2. Can majority rule ever be reconciled with respecting the rights of minority groups?
3. In a Liberal Democracy, it is better to prioritise liberal values over democratic ones. Do you agree?
4. Is the role of Cabinet working effectively in Australia?
5. The Liberal party should introduce quotas to help address the gender imbalance in Australian politics. Do you agree?
6. In some respects, authoritarian regimes have more desirable qualities than liberal democracies. Do you agree?
7. Conservatives are better judges of human nature than Liberals. Do you agree?
8. What kind of Liberal (if any) is Malcolm Turnbull?
9. Do social democrats overstate the importance of equality?
10. Australia's federal system is under review. What changes would you propose, and why?
11. Would Australian democracy be better served if the Senate (Upper House) was abolished?
12. Is the Australian Prime Minister becoming more like a ‘President'?
Essays Questions For Research Essay-
1. Former Treasurer, Wayne Swann argued,' be blunt, the rising power of vested interests [e.g. large corporations] is undermining our equality and threatening our democracy'. Is he correct?
2. Is the ‘new media' improving Australian democracy?
3. Australian democracy would be improved if there were no political parties. Do you agree?
4. Is it better to be a President or a Prime Minister (i.e. which system of democracy is better - presidential or parliamentary democracy)?
5. Choose another country and compare its political system with Australia's. Which has the better system and why?
6. ‘The rise of ‘micro' parties is a worrying turn in the Australian Party System'. Do you agree?
7. Who has been Australia's ‘best' political leader, and why?
8. Is the media ‘dumbing down' the reporting of politics in Australia?
9. The ‘Stop the Boats' Policy is working well. Discuss.
10. How convincing is the case against constitutional recognition of Aboriginal people?
11. Is proportional representation the fairest and best electoral system?
6 referecnes.
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