
Flr2995 diploma in marine surveying - lloyds maritime

1. Explain the main differences between Civil Law and Common Law systems and why English Law is often the favoured system in court cases.

2. Explain the rules which govern the choice of jurisdiction, at different levels (National, Europe and International).

3. List and discuss the three conditions which must exist in order for an Action in Tort to exist with regards to a negligence claim.

4. Discuss in detail the four different stages of Towage Operations.

5. Explain the obligations of the Seller and of the Buyer of goods under a CIF contract.

6. Explain the expenses which may be incurred due to an on board out break of infections disease and how this is viewed by a Protection and Indemnity club with regards to a member making such a claim.

7. Explain the following terms and how they relate to the P&I clubs:
1. A General average
2. B Particular average
3. C Free reserves
4. D Wreck removal

8. Provide a definition for the term "seaworthy" and list ten items which you would survey or
i. review on-board to confirm that a vessel could be considered to be in a seaworthy condition.
ii. Provide one typical defect which you may find for each item you list.

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Dissertation: Flr2995 diploma in marine surveying - lloyds maritime
Reference No:- TGS02880178

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