
flow process chart flow process chart is defined

Flow Process Chart

Flow process chart is defined as a graphic representation of all operations inspections transportations delays and storages occurring during a process or procedure which includes information considered necessary for analysis such as time required, quantity and distance moved etc.

Types of Flow Process Chart

a) Man type it records what the worker does.
b) Material type: It records what happens to the material.
c) Equipment type: It records how the equipment is used.

Flow process char is an amplified form of operation chart. All the detailed information regarding the process is to be record i, e, all the five symbols are used to write down the details of the activity. It is always recommended that a chart should represent the flow of either man, material or machine at a time. This chart is very important for the analysis purpose. Because it gives a complete picture of what is being ‘done and helps the man to understand the facts and their relationship the facts and their relationship. To one another. All the details which may appear on the chart must be obtained from direct observations. Further wherever the transportation symbol is used the actual distance covered by man material or machine should be recorded. A specimen of flow process chart may be seen in the figure aside.

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Operation Management: flow process chart flow process chart is defined
Reference No:- TGS0202895

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