
Fllow the five steps of persuasion establishing

Follow the five steps of persuasion: establishing credibility, acknowledging the audience's position, constructing a rationale, transplanting root elements, and asking for a response.
Clearly define your position and supporting evidence, including the results of your survey.

The list must include the following:
Development of Telecommuting
Potential benefits for employee and employer
Potential Drawbacks for employee and employer
Technology Requirements
Job requirements and responsibilities
Security Risks
Future Potential
Societal advantages/disadvantages? How is society, as a whole, both positively and negatively affected by telecommunications??

Include all the necessary "evidence" for the reader to reach the expected conclusion in each argument in the paper (whether the over-riding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph)
Ensure that each argument in the paper (whether the overriding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph) is valid and free from both formal and informal fallacies.

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Basic Computer Science: Fllow the five steps of persuasion establishing
Reference No:- TGS0978536

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