
Fixed bed and fluidized bed biomass gasifiers

1. Describe the availability of primary and commercial energy resources in detail.

2. Describe about possibilities of utilizing non conventional sources for power generation in detail.

3.a) Describe about the different types of solar collectors and their efficiencies with appropriate diagram in detail.

b. Describe the construction and power output curve of solar array.

4. Describe about elements of solar power plant and solar heating systems with appropriate diagrams in detail.

5. Describe with suitable block diagram, basic components of wind energy conversion system.

6. Describe about various kinds of wind mills with appropriate diagrams in detail.

7. Describe about components of tidal power plants with schematic diagram in detail.

8. Describe the schematic representation of geothermal system of various kinds with pertinent diagrams.

9. Describe about the different processes involved in obtaining energy from biomass.

10. Describe about fixed bed and fluidized bed biomass gasifiers in detail.

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Science: Fixed bed and fluidized bed biomass gasifiers
Reference No:- TGS012171

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