Fix errors on website afterward migration from Drupal to Wordpress
Stuff to be fixed:
a) A lot of attachments from on Drupal did not carry over during the Wordpress migration. We want to get this sorted out. All attachments need to be carried over.
b) The arrangement for pictures seems awkward. Find a better way of posting as well as displaying them.
b.a) There was a period when the similar random album of pictures appeared on every new post. That error has stopped. But this album still remains on those posts. We want the albums deleted.
b.b) When we don't upload pictures when we make an article post we still get a large black (empty) picture album. It would be best not to have that there as it looks bad.
c) Few additional training on how to us wordpress - particularly how to upload pictures effectively.
Desired Skills are Drupal, WordPress and Coding and fix coding errors