Five friends had just let out a collective sigh of relief after filling their income tax statements on time, when the subject of tax write offs arose. Each person confided that he or she donates a different amount of money ($10, $20, $30, $40, or $50) per month to a different favorite charity (including the YMCA). Form the following clues, can you match the full name of each friend with the charity to which he or she donates, as well as determine his or her monthly contribution?
1. Dinah, who doesn't contribute money to the SPCA, isn't the person who donates $10 per month to his or her charity.
2. Albert contributes more each month than the one who donates money to the Red Cross, whose monthly contribution is more than that of at least one other person.
3. The person who donates money to the United Way, who isn't Travis, isn't surnamed Hillock.
4. Travis donates more money per month than the person surnamed Gear, whose monthly contributions are twice that of the one who donates to the SPCA.
5. The person who donates to Goodwill doesn't make the largest monthly donation.
6. The total of the monthly contributions made by both the one surnamed Landstrom and the one surnamed Jennings is less than Evelyn's monthly contribution.
7. Neither Albert nor Evelyn is surnamed Farstein.
8. Margo isn't surnamed Jennings.