
First you need to clearly identify the problem affecting


Each group will choose and research a company of your own choice that has been/was engaged in international business operations. In order to avoid the same materials presented in class, the choice of company is offered on the first come and first served basis. You need to email the module leader to get a confirmation. When you do that, please provide K number and full name of each member in your group. Please note that a report without confirmation of company will not be accepted. The names of confirmed companies will be uploaded on StudySpace.

You should complete the following 2 tasks in your report:

1. Identify the problem faced by the company and analyse how this problem occurred.

First, you need to clearly identify the problem affecting business welfare of the company and then critically analyse what caused this problem.

2. Suggest and justify strategies/solutions/tactics which can be implemented or should have been implemented to overcome or avoid the problem.

This is where you have to come up with convincing solutions to rectify the problem you discussed previously. Your suggestions should be fully justified by providing examples and evidences. You should argue your points in a logical and persuasive manner.

Your report should be completed from the perspective of business consultant employed by the very company. The report should contain the following contents: Executive summary (not more than 250 words), Introduction, Main body, Conclusion, List of references, Appendices (if any), and Group meeting log (including a brief information of who attended and who did what)

Target word number is between 2,000 and 2,500 (Introduction, Main body and Conclusion).

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Business Management: First you need to clearly identify the problem affecting
Reference No:- TGS01253645

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