
First review the following link to determine the question


Statement of Purpose or "Why Am I Doing This?"

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you for next module/week's American History in Video - Assignment by having you access the playlist on the database, choose your video title, and answer a series of questions that evaluate whether sources are scholarly or not. You may go ahead and view the video and take notes so that you have time to complete the entire assignment over the next 2modules/weeks.

Completing This Assignment:

• First, review the following link to determine the question "What is a scholarly source?":https://help.library.ubc.ca/evaluating-and-citing-sources/scholarly-versus-popular-sources/.

• Next, review the following link to understand the question "What does ‘peer-reviewed' mean?":https://guides.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/c.php?g=288333&p=1922599.

• Review the instructions for the American History in Video - Assignment located in Blackboard.

• Click on the link provided below to access the approved playlist on the American History in Video database. Choose 1 video from theplaylist:

o https://ahiv.alexanderstreet.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/Playlists/408827

o Note: If you experience technical difficulties with the playback of your video, contact the instructor before contacting the IT HelpDesk.

• Create a Microsoft Word document containing ONLY the title and production information of your selected video. Here is the sample format:

o "Title," in series (network or producer), time.

o Example:

- "Alexander Hamilton," in American Experience (Public Broadcasting Service), 131:36 mins.

• You are NOT to submit your summary or any other part of this assignment at this time.Submit only the title and production information at this time.

• You will complete a short quiz in which you will upload your Microsoft Word document with your video choice and answer a few questions in which you will evaluate sample sources.

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History: First review the following link to determine the question
Reference No:- TGS01593682

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