
First off considerate leadership or a considerate leader is

Write a response in 300-500 words. The response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

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• Read my peers' answer below

o Provide substantive comments bycontributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;

o building on the remarks or questions of others; orsharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences

o Make sure your writingis clear, concise, and organized;

o demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; anddisplays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


There were two studies conducted: one focused on preferences of participants for considerate leadership - and how that differed between those who would work in diverse or non-diverse teams. The second study focused on whether diverse teams functioned more or less with a considerate leader.

What do the authors mean when they say the positive effects of considerate leadership in diverse teams?

First off, considerate leadership, or a considerate leader is a person who effectively deals with potential downsides of diversity (Homan & Greer, 2013).

These leaders show concern and respect for their followers, look out for their welfare, and express appreciate and support (Judge, Piccolo, and Ilies, 2004) and because of this, they are able to address negative processes that may be associated with diversity.
Moreover, the positive effects of considerate leadership that the authors refer to are meant to describe how these leaders see past the differences of their team members and stimulate discussion of divergent viewpoints and ideas (Homan & Greer, 2013).

Furthermore, having considerate leaders improves the functioning of diverse teams by helping team members see the value of having diversity and that identifying, embracing, and appreciating the differences is the only way to benefit from that diversity. Lastly, when the authors describe positive effects of considerate leadership in diverse teams, they are truly referring to a leader who can focus on improving trust and positive relationships among team members.

What did the researchers find from their study, and what conclusions did they make from their findings?

The researchers found that leader consideration was positively related to team performance quality. Additionally, they found that considerate leadership is preferred by and beneficial for diverse groups; and they even found that heightened leader individuation of team members is how considerate leaders make the biggest impact on diverse groups.

From their studies, the authors also found that since negative group processes within teams can disrupt any potential positive processes, it means diverse teams need leaders who address and manage these processes well - such as considerate leaders. They concluded that considerate leadership is both preferred and most effective in diverse teams as it helps to counteract potentially detrimental group processes.

Based on their results, it is safe to argue that diverse teams truly require leaders that will show more consideration for their members and improve relationships by valuing unique differences and reducing potential subgroup formation. This can result in more motivated and better performing workers (Homan & Greer, 2013).

What are your take aways from this study? Is there anything you learned that you can apply to your organization?

My greatest take-away from this study is that leaders who are more considerate pay more attention to personal ideas and feelings and perceive the team members more in terms of their unique individuality (Homan & Greer, 2013); and furthermore, this individuation was found to be connected to better team performance.

This was significant to me because I work for an organization that is truly diverse in multiple aspects including ethnicity, culture, citizenship, age, and experience. According to Homan and Greer (2013), considerate leadership is especially important in the potentially tense environment of a diverse team and that research has shown employees function better when they work for leaders who can fulfill their needs.

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