
first aid procedure for unconscious casualties

FIRST AID PROCEDURE FOR UNCONSCIOUS CASUALTIES : Let us now discuss the first aid procedure for unconscious casualties. The common causes of unconsciousness in a laboratory accident are fainting, shock, asphyxia, poisoning and injuries to the head. Other causes include heart attack, epilepsy (fits) and diabetics. Unconsciousness or insensibility is due to interruption of the action of the brain through some interference with the functions of the nervous system.

The general procedure to be adopted for the first aid treatment of an unconscious casualty is:

Remove the casualty from any contaminated atmosphere. Open windows and doors. Provide enough fresh air by dispersing the crowd.

Turn head to one side

  • To let the secretions come out and,
  • To prevent tongue falling back and causing choking to the victim.

Loosen clothing about the neck, chest and waist.

1.  Remove false teeth and, clear the mouth of blood, mucus etc. with a cloth to ensure that the airway is clear.

2.  If breathing fails or stops, apply artificial respiration immediately. If heart beat stops or pulse is not normal, apply heart massaging.

3.  Control any severe bleeding.

4.  Dress wounds and attend to fractures and other injuries.

5.  Cover the victim with a blanket and arrange for transfer to hospital in the recovery position.

6.  Keep a written record of the casualty's responses and pulse rate at regular intervals.

7.  Keep the casualty still if he/she regains consciousness. Reassure him/her and moisten his/her lips with water but do not give any drink.

8.  Do not leave an unconscious casualty unattended.

9.  Always ensure to inform the doctor about the unconscious state of the casualty.

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Science: first aid procedure for unconscious casualties
Reference No:- TGS0266569

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