
Firing an employee can be an unpleasant effort however this

Firing an employee can be an unpleasant effort, however, this activity is part of the integral duties of managers and supervisors. This week I would like to conduct a discussion relative to discharging an employee. If you were involved in the discharge procedure as a participant, I would like you to share the process that transpired. If you were an observer I ask you to share your thoughts that transpired at the time. If you have not been exposed to an actual discharge in either capacity please share your thoughts how you would handle the discharge process. The examples you select may be of a salaried employee or a union represented the employee.

If you have ever been discharged (fired from a job) I ask you to share your comments regarding the process that transpired. If you were an observer please share your thoughts that transpired at the time you witnessed the activity. Even if you have never been a participant or an observer please share how you might handle this action as a manager or supervisor.

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Operation Management: Firing an employee can be an unpleasant effort however this
Reference No:- TGS02478310

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