
Fingame5 - financial simulator final report and

FinGame5 - Financial Simulator Final Report and Presentation

Report Outline -

The report will essentially summarize the Financial Simulator experience.  It is highly suggested that the team keep weekly notes on discussions regarding the strategies and decisions that are made for each quarter in order to properly produce a comprehensive and concise report.

Basic Outline:

Summary - Basically similar to an Executive Summary of a Business Plan except related to the project.  Include a one or two sentence summary of the following sections.  This should be prepared last.

Ending Results - Almost like a Management Discussion and Analysis section of a Public Company 10K or 10Q, covering the cumulative results through the last period and discussing the final position - Balance Sheet, etc.  A table of results is required.

Strategy - A section explaining the overall strategy that the team decided upon and how it was deployed throughout the game i.e., "Continuously upgrade plant and machinery using short term debt", or whatever underlying strategy the team wants to deploy.  Include an analysis of any strategy changes and the reasons behind those changes.

Major decisions - A discussion of the major decisions that they made during each period and why they made them.

Impact of major decisions - Their observation of the direct results of those decisions.

Analysis of decisions - Their analysis of whether or not each decision was positive or negative and why.  Also include at least one sentence about the lessons that the team learned from the experience.

Presentation Outline (PowerPoint)

The Presentation should follow the outline of the report.  A handout of the Summary Page and the Ending Results Table should be handed out to each student in class.  Each group will have a 15 minute time slot.

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